Dear Reader, Thank you for your unwavering support last year. 2020 wasn’t the easiest year for all of us, as we were taken aback by the pandemic that has lasted...
Dear Educators & Partners! Happy New Month! At Meadow Hall Foundation we have and will always prioritize the quality of education for the Nigerian Child. To achieve that, the quality...
Dear Educators & Partners! Happy New Month! We hope you are keeping safe during this pandemic and following the guidelines put in place to keep all of us safe. We...
Hello Dear Reader! It is the second month of the year and we at Meadow Hall Foundation have been working really hard as we are dedicated to advancing the educational...
Dear Reader, We say a big thank you for your support and kindness to us last year. It was a long fruitful year of successful events and partnerships. We appreciate...
November 2019 Dear Readers, Happy New Month! It’s a brand new month filled with exciting opportunities and Christmas is almost here, yayyy! At Meadow Hall Foundation, we are most thrilled...